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At the beginning of May 2024, we had an unannounced visit from Ofsted. This was our first full Ofsted inspection.

The findings of the Inspection at BOA Stage and Screen Production Academy were as follows:

  • Quality of education – GOOD
  • Behaviours and attitudes – OUTSTANDING
  • Personal development – GOOD
  • Leadership and management – GOOD
  • Education programmes for young people - GOOD

We are all very pleased with the result!

The Inspectors were very impressed with our community (staff, students, parents, industry partners) and highly praised everything we have achieved in the last two years. Here are some quotes which made us smile:

“You should all be so proud of the work you have done here. Very impressive. Huge achievements in such a short time.”

“You will change the industry through what you are doing here.”

“Other providers have a lot to learn from what you are doing here.”

“If there was an “Outstanding Plus” grade available for Behaviours and Attitudes, you would have got it.”

The report itself (attached below and available online) makes for very pleasing reading and is full of praise and positive comments about staff, students, and stakeholders.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. Not just those who played a part on the inspection day itself, but to all our students, parents, carers, and industry partners who have put their faith in us and in the academy.

Most importantly, we want to thank our students and our teachers. Because ultimately the inspectors came to see if the quality of education in our classrooms, workshops, studios, and theatre is of a good standard. They came to see if our students and teachers are as brilliant as we say they are. The verdict – YES!

Well done everyone!

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